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Looking towards a small section of the Salton Sea

Looking towards a small section of the Salton Sea

The Salton Sea is still about 30 miles/ 48 km away. The Salton Sea is the largest body of water in California located in Imperial County.

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Do they still allow people to bathe in this salty lake? This is the county of the Imperial Valley? source of green foodstuffs and fruit? must you know how they have handled the problem of accumulation of heavy metals and trace minerals (eg. selenium) in agricultural run off, that was causing problems for the birds? Or is that a 30 year old issue that no longer receives any press?

14 Apr, 2009



You have done some research. It's in Imperial County which is the county to the east of San Diego County. Yes, there's many problems in and around the Salton Sea. To the south and north of the Salton Sea is some of the best Winter growing agriculture areas in the State of California. The Imperial Valley is very green with trees and agriculture and doesn't look like a desert at all. However, the run-off of the agriculture pesticides and fertilizers have caused many problems in the Salton Sea.

There's a plan to possibly develop some piping system to circulate the salt water from the Salton Sea to the Gulf of California...this will keep the water cleaner and the salinity levels more even. This in turn will protect the fish and birds. The problem with this project is that most of the Salton Sea is in Imperial County and the northern most part is located in Riverside County.

15 Apr, 2009


Geography aside, doesn't that seem like a huge undertaking? is the problem super-salination or or desalination? Also, isn't the problem with agricultural pollution in the silt, making it a soil problem rather than a water problem? Years ago I remember seeing pictures of waterbirds whose beaks and feet were deformed..and their numbers were dwindling because of over abundant selenium caused decalcification...bones, beaks, and egg shells all were effected. It's been a long time and I can't quote sources... but I do remember that it was classed as a serious land and water management problem...

15 Apr, 2009


Saltwater...wmv (3.6 MB) I hope this works and you can view this vid...that was sent to me in an e/m because I was thinking of the Salton Sea when viewing it... imagine using salt water as fuel?! the process involves radio waves, ...imagine the Salton Sea as a huge torch!?

15 Apr, 2009



Yes, it would be a huge project. The Gulf of California is at least 200 miles from the Salton Sea. The problem is very high levels of salt.

Here's a website you may be interested in:

16 Apr, 2009

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