Carnegiea gigantea - Saguaro Cactus
By Delonix1

2 Apr, 2009
Saguaro Cactus are more common and native to the Southeastern part of the Sonoran Desert. This Saguaro Cactus is probably over 100 years they're extremely slow growing perhaps 1 inch/ 2.5 cm a year.
This Saguaro was located by this house which is next to the Salton Sea, CA.
Comments on this photo
Yes, they are...and people steal them from the desert. It's a huge fine if caught. Large plants are extremely expensive and very sought after because they grow so slowly. This house had two others planted in their front yard also.
3 Apr, 2009
OMG thats amazing....
9 Apr, 2009
It is very amazing to see them in person. They grow to more than 30 feet/ 10 meters tall in about 200 years. LOL!
I would love to buy a plant that's about 6' feet tall...however, it would cost a fortune...and larger ones when available cost an arm and a leg. (literally).
9 Apr, 2009
I know that they've instituted controls on people removing cacti and succulents from nature... how would one go about transporting even a ten foot saguaro? the mind boggles! lol. Like parrots a person would have to bequeath his saguaro? Would like to go and walk among these giants!
14 Apr, 2009
Yes, these plants are very protected in the wild...if caught removing one from the desert you can be arrested and fined. I'm not sure how they can be moved because a large plant would weight tons! They are full of water. Then you would have to contend with the spines.
14 Apr, 2009
I'd be content to leave them where they are! LOL. saw pics on the I/net of escaped pet lovebirds making colonies and nesting in palms and in saguaro's... (they can be nasty little birds and quite willing to compete with the local birds for choice nest sites.) I have an LB and was doing some research on their care at the time....they are almost the same green colouring as the cacti and fronds!...I bet their beaks could carve up a cactus pretty quickly.
15 Apr, 2009
Wow, he's gorgeous. I never been west of Harrisburg, NJ so I can't imagine. .
17 Apr, 2009
Yes, it is gorgeous! It is quite a sight in person.
19 Apr, 2009
Its lovely is nt it Andy I can see where the Mexicans get their hat shapes from
9 Apr, 2011
Yes, this Saguaro cactus is native from extreme eastern California, southern Arizona into northern old Mexico.
It's not only the Mexican's hats of the southwest, also. :>)
10 Apr, 2011
Oh not seen those don't think thanks Andy :o))
10 Apr, 2011
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What a beauty!
2 Apr, 2009