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The Seat and Arbour after 14 years maturity!


By Telme8

The Seat and Arbour after 14 years maturity!

This photo shows how beautiful the arbour can become after maturity, but sadley the whole structure was collapsing through age and weight of plants, so the time had come to regenerate the who piece. The new structure now hopefully strong enough to take it has been assembled and a roof to stop the bird droppings coming through, as naturally the birds just love the cover and comforts! so now all we have to do is wait for the growing season to cover and flourish with flowers and become once again a cascade of blooms.

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It's sad when old structures are past their best.
You've incorporated some good ideas into your new design, so should be very successful.

12 Apr, 2009


Well, it certainly looked lovely in this photo but unfortunately, wooden structures don't last forever. I'm sure the new one with all the improvements will look great.

13 Apr, 2009

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