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Chilli plant


By Akane

Chilli plant

I also started to grow chillies last year. I bought a very small plant and all I needed to do was to water occasionally and feed some plant food... really easy to look after. We harvested loads of chillies so we picked and dried them all to be kept for a long time.

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I haven't tried growing chillies....are they easy enough so manage?

20 Jun, 2008


Yes, Davebat, they really are, just some "misting" and feeding with high potassium liquid feed. If you grow these in a glass/greenhouse along with tomatoes, etc, just treat as you would the others. Some chilli varieties can produce 40-50 fruits from a single bush, so most of us need only one plant. They can be refrigerated, frozen, dried, flaked, powdered(but wear a heavy duty mask if you do the last two on a grand scale). Aragatou gozaimasu, Akane!

16 Jul, 2008

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