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Mistletoe 2009


By Amy

Mistletoe 2009

this mistletoe has taken about 3yrs to " shoot ", it,s on a coxes apple tree ...... I,m really pleased that it has .......

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Brilliant Amy, I'm so pleased - they say, all comes to he who waits! Really pleased for you. Dawn

13 Apr, 2009


You'll be OK for next Christmas then? Well done.

13 Apr, 2009


Fascinating...How do you do this Amy?

13 Apr, 2009


PG I cut a tiny slit in the bark and then took the outer white covering off the mistletoe leaving the green seed which I put in the slit in the bark and then waited and waited and waited and at long last something is happening .....

BTW I have been told since that it,s not necessary to cut a slit as birds would just rub it on naturally .........

Yes Gee , can,t wait LOL

13 Apr, 2009


Thanks Amy, out of interest, can it be any tree? In the long term, does it damage the tree? Am I wrong or can mistletoe 'take over'?

13 Apr, 2009


Apple trees are the easiest PG , there are several others that make good hosts , Hawthorne ,field maple, Lime .poplar ,elm sycamore ash .....
I have seen trees loaded with Mistletoe , not in our area there dosn,t seem to be very much in this area but over to the west , Hereford etc .
I have been told that it dosn,t effect the trees to much ..

I pick the berries up from where they have fallen about February or you can send for some from where Dawn has done at :o)

14 Apr, 2009


Amy ~ Thank you for the info!

14 Apr, 2009


Amy, Amy ... I'm so excited. Checked our mistletoe today and two of them are shooting!!! They've sent out tiny little tentacles, lol.

21 Apr, 2009


Oh wow , I,m thrilled for you Dawn , and two shooting thats brilliant news , you can,t beat that excited feeling when something happens can you , I,m always going to check on mine , to often I think , I try not to but I can,t help myself ..LOL.. :o)

21 Apr, 2009


Thanks Amy for sharing my enthusiasm. I always look at mine each morning when I walk the dog through the garden but I was very surprised yesterday to see these shoots. They are very tiny shoots though, like little suckers. :-) I'll keep you updated and hope yours keep on growing.

22 Apr, 2009


Thanks for letting me know Dawn , yours happened a lot quicker than mine probably because you got the seed from a proper grower . ..
Maybe one day we will be kissed under our own Mistletoe ..LOL..

22 Apr, 2009


Ha ha Amy, you never know, we may get lucky.

25 Apr, 2009

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This photo is of "Mistletoe " in Amy's garden

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