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Japanese Aralia - Fatsia Japonica is a super plant for the garden. The flowers are a bit weird mind you. I sowed some of the seeds and produced 3 more lovely plants. It loves the shade and the area is covered in bark. It wilts a bit if it gets a bit too hot, but soon recovers with a bit of water. I have put a garden parasol over it in the past!

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Is that a clemaris climbing the house on the corner. Blooming well. I'm going backwards here so I might get the asnswer in a few pics, lol.

24 Apr, 2009


It's a Clematis Montana. It grow like the clappers and is just coming into bloom. Has the snow gone from your part of the world yet?

24 Apr, 2009


Still snow, but it's going in leaps and bounds at last. Snowed light just two nights ago, but last night is never went below freezing!

I was thinking it must be montana with the four petals but I'm not familliar enough yet. :-) thanks.

25 Apr, 2009

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