By Harli
- 9 Mar, 2008
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I would guess NOT daylillies (given the time of year, Grammazoo). Having said that, I'm not too sure what it is. Looks alot like a Yucca - does it have hard spines on the tips of the leaves? I think the best thing to do is give it a year and see what it does - if it produces a flower, then identification will be easier!!
10 Mar, 2008
Thanks Sid
I don't find hard spines on the tips of the leaves. It will be fun to see what blooms. I just wanted to know what it is so I know how to take care of it.
10 Mar, 2008
Looks like a Phormium to me. It may send up long spikes of funny-looking flowers, but this is generally enjoyed as an architectural plant to give an interesting shape in the garden.
12 Mar, 2008
It doesn't look like a Yukka to me...I have several, and the leaves are quite a bit more upright...if it IS a yukka, it will send up spikes with many white flowers that hang down from it. I'm inclined to think day lily...but the proof will be when it blooms. Yukkas do not necessarily bloom every year.
13 Mar, 2008
I immediately thought the same as Spritz - a phormium - which has soft leaves all year round. Could also be a type of crocosmia or agapanthus, perhaps? Who knows what grows what, where or when, nowadays?
13 Mar, 2008
David: "Who knows what grows what, where or when, nowadays?"
Amen to that. :-)
14 Mar, 2008
I think this is Yucca flaccida The one it is safe to grow when Children are likely to be present.
15 Oct, 2008
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30 Jul, 2008
I would guess at a clump of daylillies? Welcome to GOY!
10 Mar, 2008