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Euphorbia griffithii 'Fireglow'


By Andrewr

Euphorbia griffithii 'Fireglow' (Euphorbia griffithii 'Fireglow')

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Beautiful colours...

25 Apr, 2009


Stunning close~up

25 Apr, 2009


lovely! already on my wish list :-)

28 Apr, 2009


This one does run a bit. And of course, there is that dangerous milky sap if the stems get broken

28 Apr, 2009


bit of a thug? i know about the sap - being a florist and all, i have 4 varieties of Euphorbia now all of which are planted out of finger reach - mostly at the back of beds. But to be honest Brooke is quite goon now, she is 4 in couple of months and we have a Pointsettia in the front room, which is constantly dropping leaves everywhere, but she will come and tell me if leaves are on the floor rather than touching them - she knows they are toxic and very good with it. but the thugish bit may be a problem for me, i am very quickly running out of room again - need a bigger garden ;-)

29 Apr, 2009


majeek - I can't remember if you have a heavy soil? That would certainly slow it down. Mine is fighting to get out from between a box hedge and a hazel tree. The other way is to get a spade out in spring when the shoots start to grow and chop off any bits that are wandering too far

29 Apr, 2009


Some parts of my soil are heavy others not too bad, as it happens the woodland bed - which is where i have most of my Euphorbia collection does have quite clay soil so maybe it is worth looking out for some for there, the colouring would go very nicely and the corner is reds burgandy orange and yellow. Thanks Andrew, as always very informative advice :o)

30 Apr, 2009

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This photo is of "Euphorbia griffithii 'Fireglow'" in Andrewr's garden

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