These tulips refuse to grow in my garden
By Rosalieg
- 27 Apr, 2009
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Tulips in my parents' garden. Unfortunately we can't seem to get them going at our place.
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The soil is indeed a little different but I've done my best to duplicate what they're used to. We've tried planting in 3 different places ranging from full to part sun (they're used to part sun to full shade in the various patches my parents have). I've planted bulbs, I've tried transplanting a clump of plants in the soil they are used to, and tossed seeds in as well. We haven't had so much as a leaf come up, but I haven't tried digging them up to see if they're still there.
The write-ups I've found suggest they are happy in a very hot location where they can bake through the summer, so maybe I just need to stop babying them? It seems strange because they've done so well shaded at my parents'.
I'll be getting another clump from my parents and will try again.
28 Apr, 2009
Just got home from walking the dog and noticed a patch of a similar variety in a neighbour's garden... it was out in the open where it gets sun most of the day, so I'm optimistic that my next attempt, to be planted in a dryer location, will succeed :)
29 Apr, 2009
have you tried planting some in a pot
7 May, 2009
I haven't tried pots, but with the way our winters are, I would probably have to bury the whole thing in the ground or bring indoors every year.
I'm going to get a new batch of bulbs and try them again in a few more spots. I'm bound to find to right spot for them.. eventually..
7 May, 2009
It's amazing how sometimes just moving a plant to another part of the garden can make such a difference as to how well it thrives. The hot, open, dry conditions sound worth a try....
Please give this photo a heading such as "can't get these to thrive" and then it will be easier to follow if you report back on this thread how you get on... thanks..
7 May, 2009
Well, I broke down and dug up the three areas I planted these bulbs. Two had nothing in them, and the third had a single bulb, which turned out to be rotten.
8 May, 2009
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14 Aug, 2008
Do you plant them in similar conditions at your place ?
i.e. same amount of sun, same type of soil ?
27 Apr, 2009