The Warden of Squirrels...
By Lori

10 Mar, 2008
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Very good looking dog. I have taken in many unwanted dogs and cats during the past 25 years, but now have only one remaining dog.
10 Mar, 2008
Hi Talljim
Good for you. We need more people like you in this world.
My dog was born of a feral mother in the north. Her ancestors were sled dogs. When I found her, she was alone on the streets, looking for shelter, it was minus 47 degrees centigrade and she was barely six weeks old. just a little bundle of fur and bone with big
I'm fairly certain I know her father was a purebred shepherd, but her mother was what's commonly called an eskimo dog. I could not walk away from her, brought her home, flew her out to a vet 350 miles away.
and since she's back we've been separated only a few days in all that time...last November we celebrated her tenth birthday. Her name's Mandy. She is my warden of squirrels in my garden...
10 Mar, 2008
She's precious ! Very adorable, and I love her coloring.
11 Mar, 2008
aw lori,, a sad story but with a happy ending.. i have 2 rescue dogs which are the most loyal and friendly dogs around.
20 Mar, 2008
Lovely dog! She has a beautiful coat; bet you have grooming nightmares in spring! I used to say that I could make three more pets, just with what came out of my cat in spring!
1 Apr, 2008
Thanks everyone...she is my darlin'. light of my life.
Grammazoo: I learned from a wise person that I should leave her coat to nature. I have clipped her only when it was unavoidable..burrs, fecal accidents....Even though she sometimes suffers with the heat in summer, she is rarely cold in winter...her breed are used to curling up in a snowbank with their bushy tails infront of their faces, protecting their ears. two springs ago she had a run-in with a skunk. 4:30 a.m on a Sunday morning. Sprayed in the face...She lost her sense of smell for awhile...Wish I could have...It took six months for the smell to disappear completely. As she ages I am seeing problems with her hips and she is growing a Mom she's getting to be an old lady. When she sheds I fill the huge black garbage bags.. she has three coats on her...downy under fur (underwear!) hahahaha...a full almost spongey coat and then the long guardhairs. the fur on her tail is very long and whispey... she knows she's pretty...should see her when I take her for walkies!
3 Apr, 2008
Such a cutie.........smiles
7 May, 2008
Amazing rescue story.
Wonderful dog.
Now on my favourite photos page.
9 Sep, 2008
Hi Marguerite...don't know how but I missed your question altogether..sorry... she is part german shepherd and you know about their propensity for hip displasia...she spooks easily and I think that's because she doesn't see as well as she used to... He fur mats and I have to take her to a vet and have her sedated so that she can be groomed. she has hated grooming since day one... and if I want her to get scarce all I have to say is "Mandy... where's the BRUSH?" and poof she is elsewhere! Thankfully we don't have that type of tick..(paralysis) but we do have the Lime's disease tick. Mandy lives a relatively sheltered life, she is rarely out in "nature"... she gets walkies three times a day and car rides. My garden is her haven...she loves to go out and bury her milkbones in the beds!! I have given her stern warnings but she persists... LOL.
Thanks Terratoonie...I've enjoyed the pics of your dogs too!
9 Sep, 2008
Now we know which fertiliser is making your plants so wonderful.
Your secret is OUT ~
No use in my garden ~
my dogs would dig up the milkbones and eat them.
9 Sep, 2008
LOL, Terratoonie!~ the worst part of it all is that she does dig them up!!! so the poor garden gets two hits! Can't imagine what she likes about musty old Milkbones! occasionally she will leave them on the grass and the sparrows fight over them!!
9 Sep, 2008
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What a LOVELY FACE your dog has Lori So Cute :D
10 Mar, 2008