By Sid

29 Apr, 2009
Just bought this today - I've been on the lookout for an Aquilegia with these lovely leaf markings. The flower is dark purple and very double.
Comments on this photo
O Sarah this Looks&Sounds wonderful :) id love some Seeds when possible! Hope u dont mind me asking so soon :) lol
30 Apr, 2009
lol Jac - not at all! I know from growing other varieties from seed that they do not come very true from seed. So what I shall do is collect all the seed from this plant and sow it and hopefully a few of the offspring will show these markings and will have the double flowers. So it's probably better if I send you a plant rather than seeds when I've grown them, so you will defo get the right sort of plant. It's only got about 4 flowers/buds on, so there won't be that much seed this year. Should be much bigger and stronger next year. Hope you can wait that long! :-)
30 Apr, 2009
Jac did you see the other photo I uploaded of the flower?
30 Apr, 2009
U bet i can Sarah its gorgeous & all cums to those who wait ! So My Nan used to say :)
30 Apr, 2009
Ok - you're top of my list for the first seedlings lol
30 Apr, 2009
TTTTTHAannnnnnnks :)XXX
30 Apr, 2009
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I thought it was sad, just as well I read what you wrote there.
29 Apr, 2009