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Bring on Wimbledon

Bring on Wimbledon

I will have my own strawberrys, and this is going to be a bench seat made out of mahogany.

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Snap! if you look at my pictures I have just started strawberry growing too! looks like a very similar pot

9 May, 2009


Pot from Wyvale garden centre £14:99 holds 9 plants.

9 May, 2009


this will look great when done :o))

27 May, 2009


I have 3 pieces of Mahogany for this area and will be making a bench seat for Chris and me to sit down and relax. They are 651/2" long x 19" deep and 2" thick, I am going to put 2 pieces on the back wall 6" wide to act as back rests. I have got to stain them and rub them all down first to get a realy smooth surface but it will look nice when it is done.
The plan is to have the wall rendered next year.

27 May, 2009

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