Fuchsia Thailia.............
By Milky

30 Apr, 2009
Comments on this photo
I agree Toto....These have only just started, but it makes a beautiful display all through the summer............
30 Apr, 2009
Not mine I'm sorry to say but I've seen one of these in a large pot which must have been about 4ft tall, and that was the plant, not including the pot. It was fabulous.
30 Apr, 2009
Well, I shall try to take a cutting for you Toto, and send it on to you when its rooted if you like..............
1 May, 2009
That would be wonderful Milky.
2 May, 2009
My pleasure Toto.............
2 May, 2009
Thank you.
I have lots of young Clianthus which I grew from seed. How many would you like?
2 May, 2009
That would be nice thanks.....Your a Diamond Geezer Toto.......he he he .
2 May, 2009
I'll sort out some packaging and send them on.
3 May, 2009
Thankyou......I will wait till your developes some roots if you dont mind.........he he
3 May, 2009
They have roots already.
3 May, 2009
I meant you Fuchsia you wally...........
5 May, 2009
Who said you could call me by my first name?
5 May, 2009
And I thought we were on 1st name terms......tut..........
5 May, 2009
Ok, I surrender.
5 May, 2009
My favourite Fuschia.
21 Jul, 2009
Gorgeous isnt it Meanie
21 Jul, 2009
How do you overwinter them succesfully? I put mine in the conservatory last year & all I have now is a very spindley specimen.
21 Jul, 2009
Its just been in the greenhouse overwinter Meanie......thats all....
26 Jul, 2009
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30 Apr, 2009