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very young, wild, baby raccoons 21 days old or so 29/30 April 2009, by our back door

very young, wild, baby raccoons 21 days old or so  29/30 April 2009, by our back door

these wild baby raccoon kits are in a garden-tool-box by our back door! it's not a very sharp image, as hard to capture down deep inside the box, plus it has to be done while mama is not around, so I got this in the early hours of this morning. It's not often you get a chance to see baby raccoons this young!

Comments on this photo


Awesome,Thanks for showing us them as I for one would never see baby Raccoons and I can pretend that I am actually there peeking into the box while they sleep...

1 May, 2009


AAAWwwwwwwwwwwww how fantastic :)

1 May, 2009


thanks both of you, Tina and Jacque. Can see what you mean, about pretending you are right there, peeking into the box, Tina.

1 May, 2009


I think it is a great picture considerring your limitations....maybe you can snap another picture as they get a bit bigger and more inquisitive...

1 May, 2009


that's nice of you, Skippy, thankyou. Yes, am hoping to get some sharper images soon. I think they haven't got their eyes open yet, unless it happened overnight :) - but anyday now, I should think.

1 May, 2009


How cute!

2 May, 2009


glad you like it, Tasteya. Last evening I peeked into the box when mama was out of there, and one baby was trying to scramble up the inside of the box. It didn't get very far, too young, but amazing even at that age, trying to climb! - which is their nature of course.

2 May, 2009

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