Alandrapal's Profile

About me
Hi all, Will add a bit more now that I've had a chance to view a few other members' profiles :) Was born in England (Hampshire), my parents brought siblings and me out to BC Canada many years ago, when I was 13 and have been here ever since. Have 2 grown daughters and 3 "grands" aged 23, 20 and nearly 19. We have 3 dogs, 2 yellow Lab Retrievers aged 12 and 8 and one old Bichon, who we rescued when nobody wanted him. We love them all. Also have an Abysinnian cat, who was also a stray, - all our cats have been strays it seems. Other than gardening, I love reading, digital photography, recipe books/baking, cooking and so on.
we grow flowers mainly now. have quite a few perennials, and like the annuals in the planter boxes and hanging baskets. our front garden area is a sunken garden, with a small lily pond at one side, and planting areas off the patio on the lower level, with a low wall around it, forming the upper border. Surrounding the upper area are shrubs that form a semi circle, and the front lawn is beyond the shrubbery.
I love to take photos of flowers and birds that visit the garden. The birds love to bathe in the shallower parts of the little waterway that my DH built, that flows into the lilypond, from a fountain bubbler that sits on the upper border level. Even the hummingbirds bathe in the various water areas at front and back gardens. I have photos of the hummers bathing. This looks like a great group and am happy to have found it and look forward to getting to know everyone. All the best, Alandra