The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Blue Moon Windflowers

Blue Moon Windflowers (Anemone x hybrida (Japanese anemone))

digitally altered image of Japanese Anemones or Windflowers, growing in our back garden. The hummingbirds & other small birds use the fluff from the spent/dried seed heads for their nests the following spring, so we always leave some of the seed heads for them. We see the birds gathering the fluff for their nests.

Comments on this photo


I love this, very nice :) Is the moon really in the photo or digitally added?

2 May, 2009


thanks Tasteya, the moon is digitally added. It's just the way it turned out :) I thought of the title after the image was created, lol. Half the time it's as much fun trying to think of a suitable title, as it is creating the image lol

2 May, 2009


Well done to you.

12 May, 2009

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