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Hummingbird bathing on Leaf

Hummingbird bathing on Leaf (Alchemilla mollis (Lady's mantle))

rufous hummingbird female bathing on a leaf on our front patio. Very cute to watch. they also bathe in the upper part of the fountain, and sometimes in the larger area below. The plant is Lady's Mantle or alchimella mollis

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Just look at the way the colors pop out on her wing and back...quite difficult to achieve with a camera...looks the perfect size leaf for her bathing needs...(almost like having a "little fairy" in the garden.)

2 May, 2009


The colors of your hummers are great!

2 May, 2009


thanks so much, both of you, Skippy and Tasteya, for the very encouraging comments. You're right Skippy, they are like little fairies in the garden.

2 May, 2009


they are lovely~the smallest bird we have is a wren which is a sweet little bird but not colourful like these!

27 May, 2009

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