Dutch Iris (dwarf mixed).
By Rosygarden

2 May, 2009
Getting bigger.
Comments on this photo
I planted 50 in this tub. They cost me £1 in the local pound shop. not bad eh! Tref.
7 May, 2009
Wow!!!! What a bargain. Mine weren't that much of a bargain although I thought so at the time. 100 bulbs for $15 and then not all them have sprouted. :o(
8 May, 2009
Pictures by rosygarden
217 of 1151
What else?
Featured on: irises
Iris Foetidissima
£8.50 at Burncoose -
Iris Unguicularis
£9.00 at Burncoose -
Iris Siberica 'Blue King'
£8.50 at Burncoose -
Iris Siberica 'snow Queen'
£7.50 at Burncoose -
Iris Ensata
£8.50 at Burncoose
Looking good.
3 May, 2009