Rosygarden's Profile

About me
Hi, my name is Trefor and I am a 41 year old chef and a semi professional gardener. I havnt used this site for some time now (three years in fact but on a whim i dicided to have a look to see if it still existed and low and behold it does. since the last time i used Goy things have changed for me greatly, i now have my own gardening business with a small cliental in my area which im gradually building.
another thing that has happened is that I also now do voluntary work at a charity run garden shop, I help to grow, pot on and sell top rate plants at low prices.
come and see us if your in the area we are based in the shop at botanical gardens, singleton park, Swansea. there are loads of low cost bargains to had.
As for my own garden its certainly come along since we last spoke, it now has 3 medium sized and one large tree, various shrubs, a tea tree, physicarpus, green and black varieties, sedums, a few roses, centaurea, four ferns 2 citrus and 2 dark green (unsure what type), a spirea, 3 pyracantha (Fire thorn) one that has recently been bent over and turned into a walk under arch, and loads loads more.
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Joined in Mar 2009
Country: United Kingdom
County: Swansea South Wales