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Rheum Palmatum

Rheum Palmatum (Rheum palmatum (Chinese rhubarb))

This is the best it's looked since I've had it, on a temporary bed at the moment.

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It,s looking good , will you move it to the edge of the pond Dawn ?

3 May, 2009


Funnily enough Amy - I moved it from the pond edge last year. I've had it for about 7 years and each year it would have 1 leaf and then die back. Think it was too wet for it - we are on clay and although it likes damp soil I dont think it was free draining enough for it. Might have to dig a big hole on the bank and fill with nice compost and re-plant it.

3 May, 2009


Lets hope that it will thrive there Dawn , its to good to lose !

3 May, 2009


very tropical looking plant dawn, i like it

3 May, 2009


I've never seen a mature plant - I would guess they are stunning like Gunnera. I'll move it back to the pond next year.

3 May, 2009


Break it down Dawn, compost ,and grit for drainage......

3 May, 2009


I'll try that then, the gunnera's are fine but I guess they like different conditions.

3 May, 2009


Stunning leaf Dawn and the colour under the leaf would look lovely reflected in water - rhubarb like moisture retentive soil and clay usually Ok unless they dry out which would think unlikely in our weather !

Hope it flowers for you - have you seen it flower ? Suggest you put it somewhere discreet .. lol

4 May, 2009


Thanks BB - no, never see it flower. When it was by the pond for about 7 years it just produced a small leaf and died back. I thought it would have been OK in the damp clay where it was but not so. Happy now though :-( I'll put it back set in some good compost with grit.

4 May, 2009


Ho ho Dawn well I wont spoil the surprise .. puts quite a literal meaning on the term erect flower spike lol

4 May, 2009


Ha ha, wonder if it will be pink or white or even red - so long since I bought it I cant remember - if ever it does flower, lol. No flowers on the wisteria by the way :( bet your's is covered Ray :-)

4 May, 2009

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This photo is of "Rheum Palmatum" in Dawnsaunt's garden

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