Eucalyptus trees - Red Gums
By Delonix1

4 May, 2009
These twelve 130 foot/49 meter tall trees were cut down last early Summer...they were over telephone poles and caused a liability. I found out recently these trees were there before the telephone poles. I know the owners were not happy about them being cut down however, they were such a fire danger being grown over telephone poles.
Since these trees have been cut down my house is about 8 to 10 degrees on average hotter inside -- in Summer and Winter.
We were all sad to see them go...some many birds lived in these many trees. : > (
Comments on this photo
so sad to see these lovely trees cut down.;-((
we took one down recently but it was dead as it had been struck by lightening.
4 May, 2009
Sad to them go, I love Eucs!
4 May, 2009
Yes, it was sad to see them go...many of the neighbors miss them. However, Eucalyptus trees are so extremely widely grown in California.
There's more Eucalyptus trees and species growing in California outside of Australia than any other place in the World.
You probably can tell by most of my photos...which have Eucalyptus trees in the background of almost all my photos.
4 May, 2009
Several trees had been cut down before I took this photo in Summer of 2008.
4 May, 2009