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Mother-in-law's tongue


By Terry60

Mother-in-law's tongue

Comments on this photo


That's beautiful. My Gran had one and I had it after she died.

4 May, 2009


Yes Hywell, it is very pretty and looked so shiny in the sunshine ...

5 May, 2009


Ai! it's a epiphyllum! I have one that (when it blooms) is that gorgeous bright red...don't you love the stigma/stamen arrangement? Mine was a gift from my cousin...she has a lovely sun room where she keeps her tropical cactus on a very high shelf...for light and for heat! it seems to enjoy the spot...Great Picture!

5 May, 2009


Yes this beauty enjoys basking in the bright sunshine almost all day

6 May, 2009


I can't understand why the locals should be so derisive in calling this beauty -mother-in-law's tongue !!!!

9 May, 2009
I've always called Sanseveriana ~ Mother in Law's Tongue...? Locals, huh... I love these wonderful exotic looking tropical cacti...

9 May, 2009


I suppose, Lori, you could call any cactus with "sharp" bits, mother-in-law's tongue !!

11 May, 2009


ahahaha... and many have! this is a gorgeous plant, have to admit.

11 May, 2009


I surely do Lori !!

12 May, 2009 ...I had to check my is usually the case I got it wrong!! lol... check out this link...I like this plant and it looks quite different from Ottavia's "mother-in-law's tongue", doesn't it? I've had this plant as a houseplant..I think it is from South or Central America originally...but it looks marvellously Mediterranean, potted up on a patio!

18 May, 2009


I looked at the link you mentioned Lori and have to admit that it bears very little resemblance to Ottavia's plant !! which looks more like the Christmas cactus my mum used to have ...

19 May, 2009


ahahah... we'll narrow it down to the right one sometime soon!!

19 May, 2009


Sanseviera hyacinthoides.... great plant.

19 May, 2009


Bravissima Lori !!!

BTW how are your Italian lessons doing ??

20 May, 2009
Grazia, Terry! The above link will show you the difference between my Mother-in-law's Tongue Sanseviera hyacinthoides...and Ottavia's Mother-in-law's Tongue...Epiphyllum oxypetallum... they are really quite different, aren't they? I have the epi's which we always called Schlumbergera as well as the oxypetallum ...and I intend to fix up a shade house as soon as we are moved! I have a new obsession! lol.
However, I hang my head in shame that I have been so obsessed with primping and cleaning the house for sale that I have been tardy with my Italian... Must remember to check out the tapes on my next trip to the library... need to sharpen the saw!!

20 May, 2009


Thanks Lori - there are some real beauties on that link -

Oh and remember a saw is of no good if it's not sharp !!!

21 May, 2009

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