Clematis - Princess Diana
By Mrcushy
- 4 May, 2009
Comments on this photo
This isn't a particularly big clematis (just grows up one corner of my shed) so maybe you could find room to squeeze one in!
4 May, 2009
I have just purchased the clematis texensis princess diana and would like some tips on how to grow it to its best advantage. I have clematis in my garden (7 varieties) but this one looks fragile. I am also somewhat confused with pruning and tend to just trim them up a bit. This seems to work for the majority of them in my garden at the moment, but this clematis texensis I have not kept before. I just have one alpina variety which always seems fine. The others are large flowered ones and one montana rubens one. Any tips you can give me would be gratefully received.
11 Jun, 2009
Aerolor, even though this Clematis looks fragile it's not. Just treat it the same way you do your others.
I have one, it's on an east facing side of my back garden.
This garden is blown to bits when the winds start up and still this plant keeps right on thriving, showing that even in very windy weather and the morning sun on it .... it keeps right on thriving !!!
Mine wanders through some shrubs on in that border and the flowers are just starting to unfurl now :)
11 Jun, 2009
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This photo is of "Clematis - Princess Diana" in Mrcushy's garden
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7 Feb, 2008
I love this clematis mrcushy...if only i had a bit more space....
4 May, 2009