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Colocasia 'Black Magic'

Colocasia 'Black Magic'

This Colocasia is also posted for my GoY friend Lori. This photo was taken Oct. 18, 2009.

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I really like this one - love the colour.

5 May, 2009


That's great! I'm with Bernieh on this one...the colour is almost luminous! I've been trying to think of an equivalent for the leaf texture...all I can come up with is "shark's skin" would that be you think? I think that is the var. that I almost bought last was a difficult my ignorance I thought that it wouldn't be happy as a house and learn...

5 May, 2009


Bernieh, Lori:

Thanks for the comments.

These plants are very commonly grown and beautiful plants! I have this Colocasia variety also, and have sold it in the past.

Lori, I'm not sure what 'shark's skin is -- is it a species of Agave?

Colocasia species are not the best house plants. They will usually die-back in Winter if grown in colder climates. However, should regrow from the tuber in Spring.

6 May, 2009


I was referring to the texture of the leaves, D1. they are slightly dimpled, but ultra smooth with a sheen of irridescence.

6 May, 2009



Sorry about that! Yes, many of the plants in the Araceae have incredibly textured leaves. Some have felt, shiny and almost iridescent leaves.

I'll have to take a picture of my Philodendron 'Congo' which I purchased in 2002 as a house plant. It was in a 10 inch pot...then I took it outside for the Summer. It grew so large I could fit it back in the house. It had leaves reaching more than 6 feet / 2 meters in all directions. It's been outside ever since.

I have a Philodendron 'Congo Rojo' which I've kept in a small pot purposely to keep the plant seems to have worked. It's had been getting pretty large though in the last year though. It's still in the house.

6 May, 2009

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