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Alocasia 'Borneo Giant' - Borneo Giant Elephant Ears

Alocasia 'Borneo Giant' - Borneo Giant Elephant Ears (Alocasia 'Borneo Giant' - Borneo Giant Elephant Ears)

This has the second largest entire-leaf in the Plant Kingdom. These are still young plants. They will grow to probably more than 25 feet tall/ 8 meters tall in time. Photo taken at San Diego State University on Oct. 18, 2008.

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` BIG WOW!` is that a Fatsia beside it? it looks tiny by comparison!!

5 May, 2009



Yes, that's a Fatsia japonica beside it. These plants are around 12 feet / 4 meters tall...and are still a babies.

6 May, 2009


Maybe the worst plant possible for me to try in a small yard,in a drought. I always did wonder how this did in warmest mildest California. I would imagine under some large structure that raises humidity these would get even larger then large.
Disney or the local botanical gardens in soucal have these?

14 Nov, 2014


A. 'Borneo Giant' should most likely grow easier in the Bay Area than in my yard (where they get eaten by bugs) Alocasia species always grew so much better in Hayward. I had Alocasia macrorrhizos (fka: A. macrorrhiza) in Hayward and Fremont and they grew very fast and large. Here I can barely get any Alocasia grow at all. I think it's the soil and horrible water, also.

The one Alocasia which would most likely be difficult in Hayward and San Diego would be Alocasia 'Sarawak'. I read it's very tough to grow but can grow to be a monster plant with leaves to 25' long and that's not including the petiole.

15 Nov, 2014

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