Clematis (giant multi blue)
By Rosygarden

5 May, 2009
apparently the flowers are as big as a compact disc. cant wait.
Comments on this photo
going by the label, this one looks like a double petaled veriaty with a central beard. Looks very pretty. oh by the way congratulations on the purchase of the clematis baring your name. did you look for it specifically or did you just come across it by pure chance. Tref.
7 May, 2009
I came across it by chance Tref. We got a shipment of Clematis in at work....120 of them.....which we were unloading (one by one) and suddenly, there it was!! It was like destiny.....Kismet.....fate.....LOL!!
8 May, 2009
Looks good. You'll love the blooms. :o)
6 May, 2009