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Roma Street Parklands - Brisbane - Bromeliad Garden


By Bernieh

Roma Street Parklands - Brisbane - Bromeliad Garden

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really lovely,,, we only ever see them as house plants i thought they naturally grew from trees?

15 May, 2009


I don't know much about bromeliads I have to admit - but I'm pretty sure that most bromeliads can grow from trees because they take moisture and water directly from the air or from the centre “tank”, not by their roots. They do also grow in the ground as long as you keep filling their 'tank' - I've got two growing in my own garden in a garden bed.

15 May, 2009


yes i work with them a lot - in indoor displays, some of the large offices around here have large planter with them a florist this is part of our contract work..we never water the soil just pore water in the top, i do love them i had quite a collection at my last flat, but i don't have any at the moment - i must stock up on them they are really easy to keep arnt they.

15 May, 2009


Yes they are such a great plant - very little fuss and they reward us with some fantastic blooms.

15 May, 2009


they do indeed...working tomorrow i will have to see if there are any that need to be rescued! ;-)

15 May, 2009


You are a kind soul . . . he he!

15 May, 2009


lol oh yes....and very green...i like to recycle ;-)

17 May, 2009

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