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Roma Street Parklands - Brisbane


By Bernieh

Roma Street Parklands - Brisbane

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Lovely place :0)

6 May, 2009



Of course, my favorite tree...Delonix regia - Royal Poinciana.

14 May, 2009


Yes I thought you would appreciate it Delonix - I was a little surprised that there weren't lots of them.

14 May, 2009



I would think they would be everywhere in Brisbane. They are an extremely drought tolerant tree.

I hope to see one day thousands of these trees growing in San Diego...because they are so beautiful in bloom or even out of bloom, and their drought tolerance is another advantage.

14 May, 2009


Well there are lots of these all over Brisbane - sorry I meant to say I was surprised there were not more at the parklands or in the botanic gardens. There would be literally thousands in the gardens across Brisbane that's for sure - and you're right, they are stunning when they are all in bloom.

14 May, 2009



It must be quite a sight when the D. regia are blooming...a completely red city!

Right now here the Jacaranda trees are in bloom...pretty soon they will be at peak...that'a when San Diego is a called the blue/purple city by tourist. They want to know what this blue/purple tree is...I hear it all the time. It's pretty funny. Delonix regia doesn't bloom until late June but mostly in July. Unfortunately, we don't have thousands or millions of in the case of Jacaranda. However, in the last decade there's been a huge interest and demand for D. regia.

14 May, 2009


Would you believe the delonix regia is classed as a weed over here - it's become naturalised throughout Western Australia, the Northern Territory and here in Queensland and pops up everywhere. There are 3 here on my property, but there's also 2 out in the bushland surrounding my home as well. My favourite tree in the Jacaranda - and Brisbane is the place to see some fabulous old jacarandas!

15 May, 2009



Yes, I've read D. regia has become a weed in parts of Australia...I wish we had that problem here. LOL!

I know a large Jacaranda tree is quite a sight. My 50 foot/ 16 meter tree in my front yard is pretty spectacular when in full bloom...which it will be soon -- as it's blooming now. Southern California has some very large Jacaranda trees 70 feet / 21.3 meters tall and with equal spread. I will take photos soon.

Last week I posted the top portion of a large 65 foot/ 20 meter tall with a circumference of of appox. 200 feet/ 61 meter tree. It covers the back yards of 4 homes and partially covers two business buildings. It's HUGE!

15 May, 2009


Will look for your photos Delonix. My jacaranda is a youngie, but I'm hoping for a few more flowers this year - flowering is still a few months off yet!

15 May, 2009



I'm the Jacaranda trees there bloom twice a year?

In California they bloom twice a year...a very heavy spectacular
bloom in Spring and then a lighter bloom in late Summer or early

15 May, 2009



Thanks for the information.

Jacaranda seems to like more of a subtropical climate where there's cooler nights than in the tropics in Winter. This helps initiate good blooming in Spring. (they bloom from mid-April through late June -- then mid-Sept - mid- Oct.)

17 May, 2009

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