The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Baby bumble bee


By Tasteyg

Baby bumble bee

This guy wasn't doing so hot...found him on the ground trying to fly with no success. I gave him some sugar water...didn't seem to help much though. I put him on the zinnia and he got some nectar. He kept shaking...not sure what's wrong :(

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AAAaawwww Poor Bee :/ did he fly off in the end Trace?

7 May, 2009


Sorry to say that he didn't Jac... He crawled up under the zinnia. I left some of the sugar water for him. Will check to see tomorrow if he flew off.

7 May, 2009


Do keep me up dated Trace x

7 May, 2009


Awww !

7 May, 2009


Great closeup.

7 May, 2009


Sorry to say this little guy did not make it :(

7 May, 2009


:( xxx

8 May, 2009


I know :(

8 May, 2009


Well you tried.

8 May, 2009

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