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Grevillea robusta - Silk Oak

Grevillea robusta - Silk Oak (Grevillea robusta - Silk Oak)

The Silk Oaks have been blooming for over a month now. This is a small tree. I was actually able to fit into my camera lens. These trees are extremely common and grow very tall -- more than 100 feet / 32 meters tall easily. They are such a messy tree...I used to have a very tall tree at my other house. Photo taken today

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So this is the blossom? what a great colour! sounds like the pin oaks we have here... first the bud covers...then the brachts...then the tiny little acorns in clusters...only tree that's as messy is the Shade Master Locust...(gleditsia) and the maples with the bud sheaths and then the keys! Are there many Lindens in S.Cal? I really like them...their scent is so wonderful and the flowers are used to scent tea blends...We had a huge basswood in the yard at home when I was growing up...lovely tree.

7 May, 2009

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