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Philodendron 'Evansii' - Philodendron

Philodendron 'Evansii' - Philodendron

This Philodendron is growing up a 65 foot/20 meters tall Lagunaria petersonii - Cow Itch tree/Primrose tree...which will be blooming soon.

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Oh that's a giggle... "Cow Itch"???? lol. does the sap cause skin eruptions? Or are they sturdy enough for a cow to rub against! hope you will post pics of the blossom? wow that philodendron really puts my little houseplant to shame!

8 May, 2009



If you google Lagunaria patersonii -- you will understand why it's called the Cow itch tree. lol! It is an amazingly beautiful tree in bloom with thousands of pale pink to almost purple hibiscus-like flowers (which it's related). This is the largest tree I've ever seen in California. The second largest tree I saw was in the San Francisco Bay Area --it was 50+ feet / 16 meters tall. I will post photos when the tree blooms.

These Philodendron 'Evansii' are small compared to how large they can grow. I've seen much larger ones around.

8 May, 2009

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