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Mangifer indica - Mango Trees

Mangifer indica - Mango Trees (Mangifera indica - Mango Tree)

These trees were located at a GoY member's neighbors house.

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always wondered what a mango tree looked like. does your friend get fruit?

10 May, 2009



Yes, there's actually 3 treees which are fairly small (perfect for picking the fuit though). One tree develops huge mangoes...and the other two trees have a smaller mango...which is completely fiberless according to the owner of the trees. There's actually thousands of little fruit on the 3 trees now...the fruits naturally will eventually thin out.

I took photos of the little fruits which ripen from July - Sept.

10 May, 2009


would Love to just step outside for dessert! and its a nice place to sit too I see.

11 May, 2009



Yes, it would be nice. I have a small mango tree also...however, I'd love to have large mango tree that produces many mangoes a year.

11 May, 2009


I have one going outdoors in ground..three fruits this year. Over 5'. The bigger they get.the more hardy and larger everything they grow.

11 Oct, 2014


These trees here are the perfect size for a mango tree. It's easy to harvest the fruit.

12 Oct, 2014

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