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Red and green kangaroo paw

Red and green kangaroo paw (Anigozanthos)

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Wow! This is nice is it hardy here?

12 May, 2009


According to the label it is not frost hardy, so I will need to bring it in over winter, As it is in a pot that should not be a problem.

12 May, 2009


Ah yes .. I recognise this! This is the floral emblem of our state Western Australia, as they are native to that state. These red and green ones - anigozanthos manglesii - are rather short-lived over here. They usually last around 3-5 years in our gardens and in most of our botanic gardens they're treated as an annual.

13 May, 2009


Its very beautiful..............very unusual flowers.

13 May, 2009


Very unusual and effective

22 May, 2009

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This photo is of species Anigozanthos.

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This photo is of "Red and green kangaroo paw" in Phil1956's garden

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