The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Grape Hyacinth.

Grape Hyacinth.

Comments on this photo


Great close up Newfie

13 May, 2009


thanks gilli

13 May, 2009


A lovely spring flower. Nice pic Newfie.

13 May, 2009


thanks, toto...thoughts of my old camera are quickly

13 May, 2009


Glad to hear it. Gave you a good excuse to buy a new one too.

13 May, 2009


Good shot, looks like a purple cone!

14 May, 2009


It is really nice. Great form. New camera performing well. :-)

16 May, 2009


yes greenthumb..I was planning on getting a much better camera next time round, but didn't plan on it so early. Since I will be ON STRIKE next week, I didn't think now was the time to spend a whole lotta money on an expensive camera. But it is still a nice camera.

16 May, 2009


Oh boy.....on strike next week? Good luck Newfie....hope they can settle things quickly.

18 May, 2009


Yes Gilli, strike begins 730 am weds morning...I begin picket duty at 10 am that morning. Keep your eyes open, you might see me on national news. Ha,ha...Sadly, the strike is not about money, that has long been settled, or was, the premier now says that money offer is off that table!
This will get nasty!

18 May, 2009


Well, I guess you are now on strike and have done picket duty. Your premier sounds a bit like ours. When he got in back in 2001?? he ripped up our contract for the Health Employees Union which had been signed and settled months previously by the previous government (NDP). Totally illegal but I guess when you're premier you think you can do anything you want.

22 May, 2009


Oh Gilli..
The premier called our union leader 9 pm the night before the strike was due...A deal was reached just 2 hours before the strike was to start!

22 May, 2009


That's great Newfie. I'm happy you don't have to strike after all. What a relief that must be. :o)

23 May, 2009

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