By Louis
- 15 May, 2009
Comments on this photo
Very clear, beautiful photo! Is this a fruiting variety?
15 May, 2009
Hi Delonix.....To be honest, I am not too sure, but I have been told, that it can be eaten but its not needless to say, that I have not tried to eat one, nor will I be tempted. I grow them for the flower and not the fruite.
15 May, 2009
Generally, Lilikoi (passion fruit) is has such a unique flavor and is very nutritiuous. Depending on the varieity they can be very sweet, however have lot of seeds.
15 May, 2009
Thank you Milky
15 May, 2009
This is caerulea passiflora, this is hardy, the sweetest one to eat is the banana passiflora the rest are bitter, if eaten before ripe they can be posionous. Others taste like marrow when cooked. I have 3 types of different varieties of passiflora, which look different to this one lavender Lady another which is red, and this one,you will better know them as passion flowers. The top man in uk who specialises in them whom I have met personally, is Van Meawens who is from Cleveland Dorset, worth a visit to his polly tunnels if you can catch him in.
8 Nov, 2009
Thank you so much for your information Morgana, it's most valuable :))
9 Nov, 2009
Your welcome Louis this is my favourite plant as there is so many varieties of them My favourite of all is the Passiflora Quadrangularis, then Ligularis,also
Edulis Alanta.
Placeing a link for you to see these, also the different varieties you can get, the red one I have is simular to the first plain red spikey one on this link. Trouble is most grow in conservataries as they are not frost hardy, so I am limited to what I can buy.
9 Nov, 2009
Thank you very much Morgana, you're most kind..........Now you got me thinking about adventuring into the passiflora family lol. it wiill be a challenge for me actually. Shame that some are not hardy at all.....
9 Nov, 2009
The purple Lavender Lady is pretty hardy also the white Constance too I m sure they go down to 7 below freezing your best to check send you a pm
9 Nov, 2009
I will do a search on all the ones you have mentioned, and see how I do...........
9 Nov, 2009
9 Nov, 2009
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