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Astrid the Gecko

Astrid the Gecko

Poor Astrid she is shedding her skin! it was annoying her last night she was rubbing her head against the log and licking her eyes, its coming off though.

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awww the poor girl.
our Chameleon is about to lay an egg, the poor thing looks so uncomfortable right now

16 May, 2009


is she hand tame can you pick up and hold her ?

16 May, 2009


Very pretty little creature, even with her skin shedding.

17 May, 2009


Hollygate, haven't had her long (about 2 weeks!!) daughter hasn't picked her up yet trying to get her used to daughters scent first.

17 May, 2009


shes doing her shedding very well SK, just keep an eye on her toes, if it doesnt shed properly and stays on as she grows it will get tight and she may lose some!! very painful for them.

she reallyis very pretty, we now looking at getting another girlie

x x x

17 May, 2009


LOL ......... You better buy her some Loreal RevitaLift :-)))

19 May, 2009


Could do with some of that myselft Norfolk LOL!!

19 May, 2009

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