Jack in the Pulpit
By Flcrazy

18 May, 2009
A little oddity I just had to have a few years ago. It's a cool looking plant.
Comments on this photo
My goodness, that one looks like it'd eat you!! :-)
18 May, 2009
LOL....., I do believe you're right Norfolk !
19 May, 2009
wow..I have some of these growing wild in my woods. They are all green however. I would love to have some w/color as they are very unusual! Nice picture!
25 May, 2009
Thanks Whyldflower, it's rare to see the native ones anymore. You're very lucky to have them in your woods. This one is a native of Taiwan. I had to order it from a mail-order catalog.
26 May, 2009
it looks like an Arisema
31 May, 2009
Like Whyldflower these grew in the woods with other wild flowers when I was a girl...my father loved them and brought one from the bush to put in our backyard...he had to look for just the right spot...I wonder if it's still there?
he planted the Jacks and wild geranium in the same spot.
31 May, 2009
No Marguerite it's not carnivorous, looks like it would be though.
Yes Bjs, you hit the nail on the head ! Another common name for it is Cobra lily. This one is native to Tiawan. We call our native ones Jack in the Pulpit.
If you happen to go back to your old home place Lori, I'd love to know if they are still there.
2 Jun, 2009
I'm going back 20th of this month for a family wedding...will have to sneak a peek!
4 Jun, 2009
I agree with Bjs it is a Ariseama a member of the Araceae family.They all have those weird but wonderful flowers.Talking of carniverouse plants Flcrazy I'm working with them (Sarracenias) here at Kew and I know they are native in N/South Carolina, do you have any growing nearby?
7 Jun, 2009
Only ones I've purchased Rbtkew. I'm not lucky enough to have them growing here on my property in the wild.
7 Jun, 2009
three years and three days later...I'm lucky enough to have them growing on my property in the wild! ironic or what? ...when I checked for them on the homestead it was a very big disappointment. The house had been razed and I couldn't find the huge rock where Dad had put the Geranium and JITP! Life goes on as it must...but there are some things it would be really nice to be able to go back to... If you want some JITP, J, I can send you some with reasonable confidence..as the seeds I sent to Amy seem to be germinating and she is actually distributing some to fellow goyers in the UK! Yay!
10 Jun, 2012
Would be glad to give them a try, never attempted to grow them from seed. But I would love to have something in the garden that came from you. It would put a smile on my face every time I looked at them.
They are the coolest looking plants, aren't they...:)
15 Jun, 2012
I love them...they're an oddity but very special. Will go out and have a look as they should be setting seed soon. Will dry the seed well before sending. I imagine you could plant them in the autumn...near the lake..in some nice shade...under a pine tree? lol....I know that the ones here really like it among the osmunda. Amy said that she soaked the seeds. keep smilin' :-)
16 Jun, 2012
That sounds great, can't wait to see the little sprouts next spring....(fingers crossed )...lol Thanks friend !
22 Jun, 2012
YW ;-)
26 Jun, 2012
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18 May, 2009