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Hibiscus manihot or abelmoschus manihot, edible hibiscus

Hibiscus manihot or abelmoschus manihot, edible hibiscus (Abelmoschus manihot (orig. hibiscus manihot))

This hibiscus has HUGE beautiful yellow flowers followed by okra like seed pods. Dead easy to collect seed for following year as has to be treated as an annual in non tropical countries. I'm trying to cross it with other hibiscuses.. waiting to see if it's worked this year! Beautiful and easy plant for a sunny spot in large pot.

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I love it ! great colour..... what colour are you hoping to cross it with ?

18 May, 2009


We had some Hibiscus Rosa-sinensis growing in our conservatory... red ones, white and an orange. I emasculated the flowers of the H.manihot and pollinated with pollen from these. I know it's a very long shot as they aren't that closely related... but who knows! I saw recently a little article on a website about hawthorn crossing with medlar, so sometimes bizarre crosses occur.
If all my seeds come up yellow this year, then I'll know it doesn't work!

18 May, 2009


Ooooh, stunning :o)

18 May, 2009


Interested to see that you are also in France, Lil. What part? We are in Maine et Loire about 20km from Saumur.

18 May, 2009


I'm down in Les Landes, do you know it ? read your profile bertie, you garden VERY like me !!

18 May, 2009


Beautiful hibiscus Bertief...I have the red one which i grow indoors its lovely too.....:>)

19 May, 2009


Hai .I have a collection of 20 varieties .But the hybrid ones do not stay for more than a season or two.they get infected or the size of the bloom becomes smaller .Any suggestions are welcome I am from India sunshine almost all year round temp 20 to 40 degrees centigrade

6 Mar, 2013

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