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Headquarters again


By Sid

Headquarters again

In this pic, 1 year old acer seedlings, penstemons in the big pots and various other cuttings and seed growing away.

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Well its nice to see someone else is hard at work.........................this is a true sign of spring.................

15 Mar, 2008


Great to see those lovely little acers- was it difficult getting them to germinate?

15 Mar, 2008


Not difficult, just slow. They need a period of cold and then they germinate sporadically from now onwards. I have about 5 come up so far this spring and expect about 30 (fingers crossed). They also need mollycodling for about 4 years as they are frost tender to begin with and prone to wet/dry/wind/sun and just about everything else!

16 Mar, 2008


Cant wait till my green house gets put together :)

16 Mar, 2008


Did you get seeds from chiltern? Despite your description of their slow and painful germination I still fancy having a go as soon as I have a greenhouse to pop them in! Did you put them in the fridge for the cold bit, by the way? And how long for?? (sorry- promise to stop spanish inquisition now!)

17 Mar, 2008

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