By Greenfingers

21 May, 2009
I'm scared to out my sunflowers out. Every year they've either been eaten by slugs n snails or snapped by the wind. So I'm keeping them safe in the potting shed for a while longer.
Comments on this photo
These are looking really good, Gf! :-)
21 May, 2009
they look great
21 May, 2009
I put a lot of mine in whiskey barrells, greenfingers.
I just put the first few out, and I have lots left if they get killed by frost.
They're so high off the ground that no slugs or snails get up there, and I stake with bamboo sticks put right down in the barrell that I pull up as the sunflowers grow.
24 May, 2009
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**Note the slug tape! I'm taking no chances this year!**
21 May, 2009