By Elke

23 May, 2009
I don't mind these, our lawns are more like fields anyway!
Comments on this photo
Ooooooh.... clotted cream.... Tried to make it here but it doesn't really work unless you start with raw milk. It's all homogenized here. I'll have to find a willing cow...
23 May, 2009
Unfortunately the do gooders and safety fanatics are ruining our world and obviously think that we are all too thick to decide what we want for ourselves. They on the other hand are so intelligent and full of their own importance that they are able to make, not only their own decisions but also those for everyone else. Must be wonderful to be so brilliant.
Get out there Elke and track down that cow. Must be one fairly close to you.
24 May, 2009
There was quite a revolution a few years ago when we lived in Quebec (an infamous place for "independent" thinking over the last 30 years, as you may have heard) when the govt. tried to outlaw cheeses made from 'lait cru' (raw milk), including those imported from France. The gourmands won out, and now those products have a 'lait cru' label attached to warn the less adventurous consumer.
24 May, 2009
Glad to hear that common sense won in this instance but it seems that cases like these are rare. I fail to understand why we pay these pests inormous amounts of money to tell us what to do, think and eat. It's just another gravy train for the in crowd. A lot like our poor, hard done by MP's. I ashamed that we don't show more respect and appreciation to them when they are trying so hard to rip us off. Not that in the great scheme of things, the money amounts to that much but it does show you the type of people who are "running the country".
24 May, 2009
I love the wild strawberry. I'll welcome it in the lawn. Even with mowing, there will be little berries to enjoy. Wild ones are sooooo sweet.
29 May, 2009
There's something to be said for uncultivated fruits - yes, wild strawberries are wonderful, aren't they?
29 May, 2009
One of the best. We have loads of this here, mostly in lawns. :-)
30 May, 2009
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Alkl you need now is a little patience and lots of clotted cream.
23 May, 2009