The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Jacaranda mimosifolia - Jacaranda Tree

Jacaranda mimosifolia - Jacaranda Tree

This street was lined with Jacarand trees in Hillcrest, San Diego, CA. It is on the north edge of Balboa Park. Photo taken today

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Aaahhh! Lovely!

24 May, 2009



This is just one of many thousands of street lined with Jacaranda. This isn't even one of the more spectacular streets lined with this tree. I'm glad you liked it anyway.

24 May, 2009


Your photos of these streets lined with flowering jacarandas reminds me very much of my time living in Brisbane. This is exactly what it is like down there in the spring/summer. It even looks more spectacular when they drop their blooms and there's a carpet of purple all over the footpaths.

24 May, 2009



I know of that first hand with my 50 foot/ 16 meter tall Jacaranda in my front yard. The flowers cover everything...however, it's worth it. : > )

24 May, 2009

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