The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Jacaranda mimosifolia - Jacaranda Flowers

Jacaranda mimosifolia - Jacaranda Flowers

A close up of the flowers. Photo taken today

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Just a feast for the eyes!

24 May, 2009


I cant believe they are such a beautiful colour .............Do the blooms last for long Andy?

24 May, 2009



It is a feast for the eyes...I like the very dark blue and purple colored flower verses the lighter colored ones like in this photo.


I don't think they last a very long time. It's just there's so many thousands of flowers on a tree it blooms for 2 or 3 months.

25 May, 2009


My word! that's why there's no shortage of seed, aye?

25 May, 2009



Thank you for the comment!

26 May, 2009



Not all flowers produce seed pods...however, most trees can produce an abundance of seed pods.

26 May, 2009


So what's the botanical term here, D1? It's heterozygous? it produces both male and female flowers? like pumpkin and squash?

26 May, 2009



It's a monoecious tree (one plant will produce viable seeds) not dioecious (needing to a female and male tree to produce seed pods). This is a very simplistic explanation.

27 May, 2009


ahaha...had my genetics terminology askew I suppose what I meant is better put like this: As in the case of pumpkins and squash...that vine produces both male and female flowers in sequence, male flowers first, female/fruiting flowers later... is this the case with Jacaranda?

30 May, 2009



It's similar...if you google "moniecious" it will be explained further. : > )

31 May, 2009

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