The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Cereus peruvianus - Night Blooming Cactus

Cereus peruvianus - Night Blooming Cactus (Cereus peruvianus - Night Blooming Cactus)

This Night blooming cactus was on the way to Presidio Park. Photo taken today.

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I suppose the cool of night is the only way the flowers can survive for a short time................

24 May, 2009



That's the first time I've heard of this...I only know that they can bloom in summer when the nights can be quite warm. I do know the flowers don't last long and then the red edible fruits develop.

25 May, 2009


Oh that's better and better... edible fruit!

25 May, 2009



This cactus has many common names: oregon pipe cactus, apple has these common names because the plant when older looks like oregon pipes and the fruits are red like an apple.

26 May, 2009


Once again, I may sound uninformed, but what is an Oregon pipe? and another observation...slightly off topic...but here in our cities all of the electric service etc. is on underground cable...I notice the wires and poles in the picture...That's the better option in an earthquake zone, right?

26 May, 2009



The old neighborhoods of in San Diego all have telephones poles, which includes most in the urban areas...the newer neighborhood that were build in the 70's on have underground wiring.

27 May, 2009


you're right...I was jumping to a conclusion!

30 May, 2009



It was very good observation...however, sometimes when wires are underground during a large earthquake they sustain much less damage than the above ground telephone poles and wires. I saw this during the Loma Prieta Earthquake (7.1 magnitude) in the San Francisco Bay Area on October 17, 1989 (the largest earthquake to hit the S.F. Bay Area since the April 18, 1906 huge earthquake).

Many telepoles and wire came down...well, even a section of the S.F. - Oakland Bay Bridge collapsed. It was a hell of a shake!

30 May, 2009

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This photo is of species Cereus peruvianus - Night Blooming Cactus.

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