Erythrina falcata - Brazilian Coral Tree, Corticeira-da-Serra Flowers
By Delonix1
- 24 May, 2009
A close up of the Brazilian Coral tree flowers. It is difficult to get a good photo with my camera...because the flower are so bright orange-red.
Comments on this photo
That is beautiful Andy....What an amazing flower, and what a colour....fantastic
24 May, 2009
Sandra, Milky:
Thank for the comments! It is truly an amazing flower!
This is probably my favorite Coral tree, for many reasons.
1. because of the beautiful flowers, of course.
2. It has one of the strongest branch structures of the Coral trees -- the branches don't break easily like many other species.
25 May, 2009
Yes they do look like parrot's beaks!... that colour really sizzles, aye? gorgeous tree...the blossom looks a little like wisteria...what do the seeds look like, D1? are they bean-like?
25 May, 2009
Thanks for the comment!
It must have a bean-like seed pod...because it a legume.
26 May, 2009
Leguminacae...what a family!!!
30 May, 2009
It's in the Fabaceae or Leguminosae. For some reason the first named family is used more widely now (in the last 10 years or so).
30 May, 2009
plant taxonomy can be confusing...
30 May, 2009
It's confusing because the scientific names are constantly changing.
It's amazing I remember any names at all since taking all my bontany and horticulture classes in college so many years ago. (of course, many have changed since then. lol)
31 May, 2009
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the photo is good enough for me....thanks for the photos
24 May, 2009