By Diohio
- 16 Mar, 2008
- 1 like
Releasinig the first one into the flowerbed.
Comments on this photo
Thanks ! No, they're completely harmless unless you're a mouse or a vole or the like ! I love snakes and am happy to have them in my gardens. I wish more people would get over the fear and realize how good they are. I get at least 5 different kinds here, all non venomous except for the Copperhead, but they stay out in the woods.
Now I have to go look at your pics and see if you have one posted of Fluffy ! How cool !
16 Mar, 2008
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31 Jan, 2007
WoW! How fantastic! I assume the type of snake is non venemous....Its nice to hear of someone who does not hate snakes with a vengence. I love my pet royal python, Fluffy!
16 Mar, 2008