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Clematis 'Vyvyan Pennell'

Clematis 'Vyvyan Pennell' (Clematis)

Double now, then single when it flowers again in the autumn.

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OOOoooooo Spritz yours is a head of My Vyvyan Pennell ! Mines still in a Tight Bud :/

25 May, 2009


You know what you've got to look forward to, Jacque! Enormous double flowers!

25 May, 2009


looks like taffata

25 May, 2009


I think that this is my favourite Clematis...apart from Niobe, Etoile violette, Royal Velours, Broughton Star....etc etc etc.

25 May, 2009


lol,, all of them spritz

25 May, 2009


'fraid so, Sanbaz....;-)

25 May, 2009


it is hard to choose i must say,,all lovely

25 May, 2009


Absolutely beautiful Spritz :)

26 May, 2009


She certainly has the largest flowers of all my clematis, that's for sure!

26 May, 2009


OOOOHHHHHH very nice!

26 May, 2009


Beeeeeeeeeautiful very grand.

26 May, 2009


this is a beautiful one :o)

26 May, 2009


I bought one of those off eBay last week, it needs to stay in a pot until next year, I have quite a collection of clematis in pots now and need to read up more about each variety. I read somewhere about Clematis pruning "If it flowers before June, never prune" how true that is Im not sure.

26 May, 2009


I suppose it's a rule of thumb. norfolk. Are you happy about pruning groups?? I can give you a quick lesson if you'd like one! lol.

27 May, 2009


Beautiful, the name does ring a bell with me, but no this is'nt the one i have...i'll come back to you on the name in a mo....

27 May, 2009


...mmmm yes please i do find pruning groups all very confussing with clematis, i have never had so many before as the last garden i had was all privet hedge boundries so not much scope for them, but now with all the trellis and fence space i have quite a few, and completely lost about pruning, because the general rules of pruning - after flowering, or spring if flowers before the end of June, Aultumn if flowers after, kind of go a bit out of the window with all this group 1, 2 - flowers twice a year, new wood old wood etc...Maybe if you have time you could do a blog Spritz...i am sure i am not the only one that finds this confussing.

p.s the purple one i have is called 'Beauty of Worcester'

27 May, 2009


A wonderful double.

27 May, 2009


OOOoohhhhhh Wow.....:>)

28 May, 2009


yes please Spritz, give us a blog on pruning Clems :-) I dont touch my armandii, I only keep it in check if it stretches outside of its boundary, its a rampant specimen and sure it tries to strangle me when I get up close :-))

29 May, 2009


I'd really appreciate info on pruning Clematis too. I've got an old one growing over my front door (montana) that's like a bird's nest of dead sticks underneath but loads of healthy growth on top. It needs dealing with but I'm terrified! Your Vyvyan Pennel is a beauty

1 Jun, 2009


OK... I'll do one after Thursday in the 'gap' before the 2nd open day.

2 Jun, 2009

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This photo is of "Clematis 'Vyvyan Pennell'" in Spritzhenry's garden

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