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hello flower

hello flower

i got my partner young melly to film while i explaine the water feacture im working on.i thaught it would be better than typing lol .im am so pleased excuse me if im big headed im just happy i dont mean it.i hope you like it .doctor bob suggested a white wisterier excuse my spelling instead of pink to go with the bue one.hes a very nice man .how could i not take his advise .he has more plant knowladge in his little finger than ill ever have.i love this site as im treated like a human rather than what people think i am because of my tattoos etc.i hope you enjoy thanx for all your support .take care bye for now

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Not a great fan of Youtube Np esp now politicians using it but will try to catch if I can type in that address lol

Got there brilliant design well worth the visit can see you re very proud of what you ve achieved great that you dont allow your disability to hold you back.Well done.

If you are thinking of plants for your pool can I suggest a water hawthorn.In flower now and fills the evening air with a lovely vanilla scent .

30 May, 2009


thank you another one on the list.ive never liked professional lyers ie poloticians lol

30 May, 2009


Hear, Hear NP,

30 May, 2009


lol none the less true if you reach into a tub of maggots what you always pull out is another maggot

30 May, 2009


Thats a good one NP , i,ve never heard that before .. LOL ..

I found the youtube , it,s not something that I look at much either , I only do it for you NP ... I never seem to be able to put in all those little letters and numbers either BB , I never know which are big ,small, capitals or normal and usually get it wrong ..

Still I got there in the end , well worth it NP ... fantastic . :o)

1 Jun, 2009


i thaught of that amy lol i must be a wise man lol .dont worry about all the number rubbish just right nosey potter or noseypotter in search and it will come up with my stuff as i always put that in my tags lol.i dont mess with them either im diiissssexxickck lol .only joking about how i spelt that but i am dyslexic excuse the spelling. i remember seeing a van with writing in the back window.i dont remember all the writing but it was advertising a dyslexic sociaty.i thaught it was ironic that the only people who realy needed to reed it couldnt.thats not actualy true as im a very good reader i just cant spell and didnt i pay for it at school before all the awareness now.there are a couple of videos you mite not like so read the discription first.take care bye for now

1 Jun, 2009


oooo - I'll go look now.......

Folks - you don't have to re-type the addresses for things like this - just copy and paste (highlight it and press Ctrl and C at the same time for copy and Ctrl and V at the same time for paste). Also, web / e-mail addresses are NEVER case sensitive, so it doesn't matter what case you type them in.

2 Jun, 2009


thanx for that sid hope your good love take care bye for now

2 Jun, 2009


Found it! Got a bit sidetracked, but got back here eventually lol

NP - the water feature is looking marvelous! I like the way the water spills down BETWEEN the heads as well as out of their mouths - wasn't expecting that! :-D

2 Jun, 2009


me either a happy accident.i got to go with the flow sid lol

2 Jun, 2009


he he you sure do x-) I like it anyway - kinda looks like they're sticking their heads out from under the waterfall :-) Has your mate had the 'grand unveiling' yet?

3 Jun, 2009


no not yet but its basicly is finished now so im looking forward to the barbi lol we get steak of the american base lakenheath and it makes our steak taste like car tire cross rat i think lol come to think of it lots of it is lovley.

3 Jun, 2009

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