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By Diohio

Releasing (Asclepias syriaca Common Milkweed)

The Monarch butterfly will hang from his chrysalis for about 6 hours until his wings are dry. Again, he is very vunlerable because he can not fly yet. Sometimes I will keep a butterfly overnight and release him the next day just to be sure he's ready. He will usually fly to a tree and sit in the sun for hours. Then on most occasions he will find nectar, and find a female to mate with and start the whole cycle over again. Exceptions are the final brood in late summer. After they eclose they fly to Mexico where they'll spend the winter and then mate in the spring. In earlier broods an individual will only live for about 2 weeks.
The wonders of metamorphosis. I can't watch the process enough.

Comments on this photo


Gorgeous... I went looking for chrysalis last summer when I took the pictures of the milkweed. the monarch that I followed (it wasn't easy) lit in several places but seemed exhausted...the abdomen seemed flattened and I wondered if it was nearing it's end. It was in the same area as the larvae that I had photographed, but there were no other butterflies visible in the immediate area...I'm also interested in the Viceroy...have you had any opportunity to view or photog. them?

19 Mar, 2008


Yes Lori, I just posted a pic for you ! I've only seen one in my yard :(

19 Mar, 2008


Thank you for posting this Monarch series.Your photos are beautiful and this was really interesting!

19 Mar, 2008


Thanks for the Monarch lifecylce photos, they were great! Is this all happening at your property?

5 Sep, 2008


Thank you Grammazoo and Tasteyq. Yes, I collect the eggs or larvae from my yard and bring them inside until they eclose. I have 10 gallon aquariums inside and "cathouses" outside (that are usually filled with moth larvae). Once they eclose (come out of their chrysalis or pupa) I take them outside and put them in an empty cathouse until their wings dry and then I release them either later in the afternoon or sometimes I'll wait until the next day.

5 Sep, 2008


What an extremely worthwhile job! How come I missed all this when you posted it? Anyway, I'm glad I found it now.

5 Sep, 2008

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This photo is of "Milkweed, Common" in Diohio's garden

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