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my beautiful daughter caitlin showing off my dahlia growing

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awww shes gorgeous . how old is she

2 Jun, 2009


she just over 5 months now

2 Jun, 2009


she is so cute

2 Jun, 2009


what a bonnie baby.. hellooo caitlan. welcome to goy..

2 Jun, 2009


She is a beautiful little flower in herself , and welcome to GOY to you both.

6 Jun, 2009


What a happy little soul. You say you're a young gardener so I hope you won't mind an old biddy asking you to make sure you water that Dahlia regularly as that close to the wall it will not get much moisture and a lot of what rain does reach it will be absorbed by the bricks. It would be a shame for it not to reach its full potential.

8 Jun, 2009


thanks for the advice i water it once a day at the moment,usually in the afternoon when the suns passed over the flat,would you say that was ample, i never actually thought about the bricks taking moisture, only planted near wall because it was so much taller than the other planted

8 Jun, 2009


I would give it a good soaking when you see it starting to flag - not every day. This makes it develop a better root system, seeking out the water. Did the label say how tall it was going to grow? It may need staking and it's better to put this in early while there's less chance of damaging the tuber.

8 Jun, 2009


because i didnt have anything to stake with i thought id put a trellis behind them all and string them loosely to that, the to either end says upto 5ft where as middle ones say 4 ft, also whilst i have your attention, i planted 6 and 5 have all shown up now, be it some later than other, what is the best way to find out if its still living or if it rotten i know digging is the obvious choice but i didnt wanna disturb it incase its still living and just holding back a bit

8 Jun, 2009


what a beautiful little girl
shes a real little charmer
shes gonna have lads fighting over her when shes bigger

x x x

p.s have a little look where the Dhalia should be but use something like a plant label to gently dig around it

x x x

10 Jun, 2009


Hello Caitlan you're so gorgeous and welcome to GOY to both of you!

15 Jun, 2009


wow so cute baby , i love her smile, and then her cute feet

31 Jul, 2009

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